National Security


John Kerry has been meeting with Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror, to undermined president Trump when he was in office. Most applauded the president for getting us out of the Iranian nuclear deal, (JCPOA) which cost American Tax payers over 200 billion dollars. Elitist John Kerry has a totally different take. He thinks that the antisemitic country known for funding terrorism should have access to nuclear weapons and other arms.

John Kerry has gone on record saying: "We lead by example. We eliminated the threat of Iran with a nuclear weapon."

Mike Pompeo calls bullshit. Precisely the opposite is true. The JCPOA has given Iran billions of dollars and essentially funded its nuclear enrichment program. "John Kerry and Joe Biden put them on the pathway to a nuclear weapon."

The list of ways Biden is weakening our country continues to grow. The Border crisis, bombing Syria, supporting Iran, raising taxes, rejoining the WHO, taking a weak stance against China, and lowering freedom just to name a few. John Kerry is just the latest in the also growing list of Democrat traitors that are not acting in the best interest of our country.

Shoutout to the ACLJ for their wonderful content. Check them out here:

George Washington : "Truth will ultimately prevail where pains are taken to bring it to light"

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