It is unthinkable that our president, less than three months ago, took an oath to preserve protect and defend the constitution of the United States. One would think, after an oath like that, a non-stop assault on the constitution would be out of the question. It seems however that Joe Biden forgot that oath the moment after he made it.
The assault on the first amendment began before this faux president even took office. From banning Donald Trump and other conservatives from social media platforms to squashing the Hunter Biden story as disinformation and cancelling The Washington Post, the left’s hatred for the first amendment is deep. Don’t worry though they only want to take it away from right wing Patriots… not their own people.
THE SECOND PROTECTS THE FIRST, and that has never been more necessary in American history then it is now.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed
It is pretty straight forward Joe. I really don’t see any room for improvement or infringement here. But, that didn’t stop him from saying on national television "no amendment is absolute." WTF did you just say Joe?? YES THEY ABSOLUTELY ARE ABSOLUTE dementia Joe.
What are American’s to do when their birthrights are being attacked and systematically stripped from them? How far can Patriots be pushed until then fall into action? How much socialism will Joe Biden be able to impose on the American people in his four years? So many questions and so few answers for these dark American days..