There was once this mystical magical land called the United States where adults ruled. People didn’t agree with all their fellow citizens, but few threw a fit about it. People made mistakes and said dumb things. Unless it happened as a trend, people shrugged and went on with their lives. Nobody had to eternally grovel to the media, pop culture, or political gods for forgiveness because they said something stupid. A legitimate apology would usually suffice.
Sixty to seventy years ago this land was conquered by vicious children who, as children will, throw fits when they don’t get their way. Those children grew up, in the biological sense, but essentially remained toddlers, reacting to anything they don’t like with tears and screaming. Such is this land today. Bill Maher illustrates. And also, he’s not very keen on modern films. Another point for him.
Excellent monologue from @billmaher [1]
Movies shouldn’t just be about sorrow & virtue signaling. They should also be about laughter and joy and mystery and suspense and excitement and learning and plot twists and fascinating characters and did I mention joy?
(Language warning.) [2]
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) April 10, 2021 [3]
FNC: “Real Time” host Bill Maher refueled his disdain for cancel culture on Friday night, yearning for the good ol’ days when an apology was enough to move on from a mistake. After brutally mocking U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, over his growing sex scandal, Maher began the panel discussion by predicting the Florida Republican will blame his political woes on ‘cancel culture,’ which Maher noted would not be a ‘good development’ because ‘the critique of cancel culture is getting a bad name. Because cancel culture does need to be critiqued,’ Maher stressed. Maher then pointed to the controversy surrounding NBA player Meyers Leonard, whose career has been in freefall ever since he used an anti-Semitic slur last month during a Twitch stream while playing the video game ‘Call of Duty: Warzone.’ “
“I mean, before the day was out, banned, fined by the NBA and traded,” Maher said. “They’re making him — of course, the groveling apology — and then he’s meeting with rabbis, Holocaust survivors … Do we have to drag the Holocaust into this? Really? Passover, he has to go on Zoom in front of college kids so they can yell at him…Does everything have to be a summary execution in America? What happened to just accepting the apology? Oh OK, you made a mistake as humans do. I mean, could we get on with our lives?”
“It’s American bloodlust for groveling. It’s just gross,” Maher said. “I don’t want to be part of that team… I don’t want to live in a country where we have the Red Guard… We have a Red Guard in this country now. We’re taking sides now. We’re going to get down, I think, to a place where Democrats drink Coke and then Republicans will have to drink — You think that’s where we’re heading? It seems like we’re politicizing even the products we use.”
This piece was written by David Kamioner on April 11, 2021. It originally appeared in [4] and is used by permission.
Trump Speaks Out On Gaetz Scandal, Destroys Liberal Narrative [5]
Border Update: VP Harris Opts for President Lunches And Easter Celebrations Instead Of Fixing Border [6]
Hunter Biden Scandal Was True Says Forensic Evidence, Lied On Background Check To Buy Firearm [7]