Russia is threatening to block Twitter in 30 days if the site does not remove what the government classifies as ‘banned content’.

Vadim Subbotin, who is the deputy head of the “Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media,” said Twitter would be banned unless they removed the following content: child porn, information on child suicide, and drugs. “Twitter is not reacting to our requests as they should. If the situation carries on then it will be blocked in a month without a court order,” Subbotin said.

Government critics say the new crackdown is more about stopping people from organizing anti-Putin rallies, noting the new ban threat was issued a day after Alexei Navalny posted a social media update from jail.

Approximately 9 million Russians use the Twitter app, and it is popular with anti-government protestors.

The Russian government has been tightening control over social platforms in recent years.  In 2014, they wrote a new law requiring online services to store the personal data of Russian users on servers in Russia.  Attempts to make Facebook and Twitter comply with this law have failed, and both companies have been fined multiple times for non-compliance.

This piece was written by Ray Dietrich on March 16, 2021. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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