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Joe Biden: Top Drug Kingpin. Border Policies Killing Increasing Number of American Kids by Allowing Fentanyl to Flood the Country

There are many reasons why people with common sense who love America want illegal immigration to stop. We don’t want human and sex trafficking. We don’t want foreigners taking American jobs. We don’t want unvetted criminals in our country. We don’t want low skilled people in our country that will end up using our local, state and federal resources including free school, free health care and other welfare benefits.

And we don’t want drug trafficking. 

The potential of a drug overdose of American citizens and their children is more dangerous than ever thanks to Biden’s open borders policy. The Mexican drug cartels are distributing Chinese Fentanyl and they’re also manufacturing pills, adding the cheap and addictive Fentanyl to other drugs, which is increasing the drug overdoses and deaths all over the country with Americans paying the price with their lives.

OWN television host Dr. Laura Bergman and her husband Samuel Chapman were on Ana Garcia’s True Crime Daily podcast recently talking about the accidental drug overdose [1] of their 16-year-old son, Sammy who died in February. 

Sammy, who had used marijuana in the past, had gone on Snapchat to get Xanax or Percocet (toxicology results are still pending) but instead was delivered a Fentanyl-laced drug and he died from it. 

When Bergman posted about her son, she said, “My heart is completely shattered and am not sure how to keep breathing. I post this now only so that not one more kid dies.”

Bergman and her husband are now on a crusade to educate people about the Fentanyl problem in the country and are warning parents about the very real potential that if their kids get any kind of drugs off the streets or on the internet, they are literally taking their lives in their own hands.

Bergman says that because Fentanyl is twice as addictive as heroin, the adults and kids who live through the experience of taking it make great customers – or they die. But neither China (the supplier) nor Mexico (often the manufacturer of the pills) really cares either way. 

With kids at home, not in school and not playing sports, more children are experimenting with drugs to get through their lonely and depressing days. But they don’t always get what they are buying. 

Flint Anderson, Founder of Parents and Addicts in Need, says the children are “literally dying with their headphones on, Xbox on, eyes rolled back in their head, and foam coming out of their mouth.”

Fentanyl is killing more Americans annually than any other street drug in our history. In 2017, 49,000 Americans died from Fentanyl.

Private investigator Luis Bolanos, who was also on the True Crime podcast, says that kids are actually wearing backpacks on the front of them when they take Fentanyl purposely in case they pass out. That way, they might fall forward and won’t die from spewing up their own vomit like what happened in the case of Bergman’s son. It’s called turtling.

Because Biden is welcoming everyone into the country with open arms and the Border Control is not able to concentrate on the “bad hombres” bringing in drugs, more and more is coming in and so much of it is laced with Fentanyl and people are these buying counterfeit drugs not knowing what’s really in them.

According to Gateway Pundit [2], former DEA Agent Derek Maltz says that Fentanyl seizures are up 361% at the border and that there has been more seized in the past three months than all of 2020 combined.

That’s on Biden.

When talking with Sara Carter, Maltz said that the deadly counterfeit pills on our streets that the Mexicans are smuggling into our country are killing kids. He said, “Not every pill is gonna kill but one pill can kill.”

He went on to say, “China and Mexican cartels are working together as a lethal partnership…what they’re doing now is something we’ve never seen in the history of the country. They’re taking poisonous drugs like Fentanyl and they’re putting them inside of pills to have pill presses inside of Mexico and inside our country and they’re making these counterfeit Oxycodone pills, Xanax and now even Adderall.”

He continued, “We had a warning by the DEA last week up in New England. They had all these pills that were labeled as Adderall that contained Methamphetamine. That’s really disturbing because the kids that are taking Adderall are very very young. To me, this is the cartel’s conscious decision to target the kids so they have customers for life with Methamphetamine. But what’s really disturbing is that kids all over the country and young Americans are taking these counterfeit pills and not waking up. There is story after story that you see on social media and unfortunately you are not seeing it on mainstream media.”

These stories are all over the Facebook Group page [3] that Bergman created after her son died. It’s a support group for parents whose children have died and it currently has over 10,000 members.

Tennessee Senator Bill Hagerty recently talked about the problem. He said, “China is pumping this Fenanyl into Mexico…where it’s manufactured and used as a component of drugs that are coming in and killing our kids in Tennessee.”

According to Breitbart [4], local Sheriffs have told him about the increases of drug smuggling and human trafficking on the border since Biden took office. 

That will be Biden’s legacy – as the top Fentanyl Drug Kingpin and the Chief Human Trafficker. That’s what Obama has forced him into becoming by making the puppet President sign his Executive Orders.

The democrats seem to think it’s all a joke though. They could care less about any of the criminals coming into the country, the COVID-19 spread, sex and human trafficking or drug trafficking. They’re getting millions of voters in exchange.

Republican Montana Senator Steve Daines recently went to the border with more than a dozen other Senators and tried to make a point about the danger of the drugs [5] coming into our country. He said, “There is a flood of Mexican meth, Mexican heroin, Mexican Fentanyl. Twenty years ago in Montana, meth was homemade. It was homegrown. And you had purity levels less than 30%. Today the meth that is getting into Montana is Mexican cartel.”

The Democrats, who are either ignorant of the Fentanyl crisis, don’t care about it or are covering it up, spent the weekend on Twitter being unserious about the crisis and saying that Daines was pining for the days of homegrown meth. Democrats are the heartless ones, not the the Republicans. Democrats are the ones who will sacrifice the lives of Americans, even children, for votes. The Democrats don’t seem to “get” the fact that there is no quality control with the drugs coming out of China and Mexico and they are killing Americans.

Meanwhile, some politicians and those in law enforcement are sounding the alarm. According to yourcentralvalley.com [6], Fresno County law enforcement in California are warning parents about the dangers of Fentanyl following increases of overdoses, especially with teenagers and young adults.

Fresno County District Attorney Lisa Smittcamp says that teenagers connect with drug dealers on Snapchat and other social media apps and buy drugs unknowingly laced with Fentanyl. 

Fentanyl is an inexpensive synthetic opioid which is 50 to 100 times stronger than Morphine according to the CDC and 50 times stronger than Heroin. What most people don’t know is that a dose of Fentanyl the size of two grains of salt can be fatal.

As many are saying, Smittcamp also says, “You don’t deserve to die as an adolescent when you make a bad mistake.”

A California mother recently lost two children to Fentanyl poisoning [7]. Both of her children, her 18-year-old son and her 16-year-old daughter took Fentanyl that was disguised as another drug. One thought they had bought Percocet on Snapchat and other other thought they bought Xanax but it was pure Fentanyl.

As long as Biden keeps welcoming in illegals and has the Border Patrol babysitting children instead of chasing down drug dealers, American kids are going to keep dying in large numbers from this Fentanyl crisis.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on March 28, 2021. It originally appeared in SteveGruber.com [8] and is used by permission.

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