Perhaps the most telegenic, articulate, and overall attractive member of the ranks of female punditry, Kat Timpf has some choice words to say on yet another example of Biden administration hypocrisy.

Their devious double standard on the dope issue (my children tell me I am no longer allowed to call weed “dope”, as now dope means heroin and they would prefer I did not discuss my adolescent fun with heroin) is not surprising, as Harris has been a WCTU-like scold on recreational weed use since her days as San Francisco D.A.

As aforementioned, I bring a former pro knowledge to the subject, as there were many late high school and college mornings when my first waking thought was as to the location of the bong. My own proclivities aside, if Harris really had her way and all executive branch workers who ever imbibed in weed lost their jobs then the entire Biden White House staff would be comprised of evangelical girls and their moms. Actually, it would be quite an improvement.

Timpf: “On Friday, The Daily Beast reported that dozens of Joe Biden’s White House staffers ‘have been suspended, asked to resign, or placed in a remote work program’ because of past marijuana use, despite the fact that they’d previously been told that past use likely would not disqualify them. The Beast attributed its report to ‘three people familiar with the situation,’ adding that the policy even impacted staffers whose marijuana use had only occurred in a state (or district, in the case of the District of Columbia) where weed usage was legal. This is both an injustice and far from an isolated incident. Rather, the news is just another example of this administration’s hypocritical penchant for saying one thing but doing another when it comes to drug policy.”

“…In any case, though, the fact that even a single staffer had been let go, demoted or disqualified due to past marijuana use – especially after being told it probably wouldn’t affect their employment – is not only wrong, but also completely senseless. Although I can certainly understand why the White House wouldn’t want to hire a staffer who would show up to work stoned, I would challenge anyone to find even a single piece of evidence that past marijuana use (especially legal marijuana use, in which no laws were broken) would interfere with a person’s ability to do their job.”

“…It’s also, quite frankly, nasty to trick people by convincing them that their honesty on this matter would be of no consequence to them professionally, only to then fire or demote them for having told the truth. Unfortunately, as disgusting as the chicanery that this administration seems to have pulled here is, it’s also totally unsurprising. In fact, if I had to sum up the Biden/Harris approach to drug policy in one word, ‘chicanery’ would be exactly the one I’d choose.” There are other words. But that will do nicely.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on March 24, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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