Not unlike his basement presidential candidacy, Joe Biden still can’t navigate an entire sentence coherently and makes even less sense when he goes “off-the-cuff.”

February 10th didn’t fare well for him if he was looking to sound like a capable leader. He slurred his way through a speech at the White House concerning putting sanctions on the leaders of the coup in Burma.

He was just reading the words that were put in front of him. I doubt he has any idea what Burma actually is. He probably thinks it’s Fred Flintstone’s wife. 

He rarely took his eyes off the teleprompter, and then, of course, he walked off with no questions from the reporters.

And then he was off to the Pentagon where he struggled to read the words on the teleprompter.

I think it’s quite obvious that Biden isn’t in charge of anything. The people around him are telling him what to do and say.


He’s a reader. 

And when he can’t do that anymore, the end will be near.

Obama, Susan Rice and Chief of Staff Ron Klain, who are actually running the show are in the wings biding their time until the Joe Show comes to end and Kamala Harris is anxiously waiting as the understudy.

But will Joe end himself or will they do it for him?

We still don’t know what deals have been made so the answer to that question is still unknown.

And by the way, why does Joe continue to ignore his own Executive Order by not wearing a mask in federal buildings? I’m pretty sure that the White House and the Pentagon are both federal buildings.

This piece was written by Liberty Paige on February 16, 2021. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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