Many years ago there was a saying in the Boston area to explain the Brahmin social structure, “The Lodges talk to the Lowells, the Lowells talk to the Adamses, and the Adamses, talk to God.”

So it is with the Democrat impeachment lawyers and the media. Through obvious political coordination the echo chamber between those groups is on full display at the Senate impeachment trial, as the impeachment managers say one thing and the next instant the media runs with it. The House managers also use partisan media reports as if they were factual evidence, not leftist scribes venting their spleen.

Time and time again Tuesday through Thursday Democrats making their case referenced headlines and copy that toed their line. In ominous tones they would, taking a dramatic pause or choking up here and there, directly quote from such unbiased sources as the New York Times, NBC, and the Washington Post. Not taking anything away from their communications effort, it was effective. But few people outside a psych ward will buy their  presentations as objective fact.

The Democrats also made some outright incorrect references, as when Rep. Joachim Castro of Texas opined that declarations of war had been made there, on the senate floor. 6th grade civics glass reminds us, if they still teach civics, that only the House can declare war. Ouch.

The House managers also seem to think they have the power of mind reading. On more than several occasions they told us what the former president was thinking, told us he knew of things and thus acted accordingly. Now while I might share their suspicions, how do they know what the man was thinking?

Do the Democrats have an oscilloscope in the basement they hook up to the ether, point in Trump’s general direction and ascertain his thoughts? Perhaps they have hired a swami who gives them counsel and trains playful cobras for their leisure time.


And of course, no Democrat presentation would be complete without playing the race card. The media has led the way on this, labeling anyone who took part in that rally a white supremacist. That is sheer nonsense. I know people who were at the rally and who even were outside, not inside, the capitol. While they and I have certain political disagreements, as I’m a Republican elitist and they are populists, not one of them are bigots or racists in any way.

Were there some racists there in the crowd of thousands? Probably. But take any crowd of thousands and you’re going to find idiots of all sorts including racists. However, without the imprimatur of the race card what would Democrats do? How would they retain their self-appointed moral high ground? Exactly, they couldn’t. And without the Democrat to media echo chamber they’ve couldn’t retain much else as well.

This piece was written by David Kamioner on February 13, 2021. It originally appeared in and is used by permission.

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